Saturday, June 18, 2011

for my personal project i have decide to create a website for an original story that i am creating with Jodie

i would like to use some of the things i had used in my last website for example i like having the text box in the middle of the screen and having the background staying in the same place so the only thing that moves is the text. but this time i want to add a bar at the top of the page so that you can get on to different pages and i am also planing on making better and more graphics for this website

first i have to look at other websites. one of the websites i had looked at was a website similar to what im creating this website for. this website was created to inform people about their original story. i like the layout of some of the pages for instance the character page has a nice and clean layout. but its a bit plain, fortunetly they managed to pull of this look. i like the idea of having buttons for each character. so this makes the website organised but also still attractive 

i also looked at another website that is used to tell people about a story.
this website is used to tell people about a manga/anime called bleach
i like the design of the drop down menus on this website it helps make things organised and attractive. unfortunetly the rest of the layout of the main page is a bit messy and cluttered. 

after doing research on different- sites that are being used for the same purpose i have developed a couple of ideas on the layout and composition of my website design.

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